Wednesday, December 30, 2020

T. Rex - Hot Love (1971)

Lèvres de Sang girls rule the world come 2021...It's time !

Caravan - The Dog, The Dog, He's At It Again [1973] (Promotional Film)

...dedicated to Jim...Happy New Year...2021!

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Verve - Rather Be (2008)

dedicated to Cristen...
I wanna lie, lie together
Feels like our last embrace
In a world full of confusion
Yeah the human race
But I'd rather be here than be anywhere
Is there anywhere better than here?
You know these feelings I found, they are oh so rare
Is there anywhere better than here?

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Humble Pie - Bang! (Christmas 1970)


Well, here's your news report
I'm your straight face for today
And I'm sorry if it's short
But I have to get away
And be sick

Well, first the powers that be
Line their pockets with your bread
And it ain't too hard to see
That you're worth more to them dead
Don't you know the taxman
Mourns you to the nearest bank
Your news report
Your news report
And it's short, short, short
Get off my brother
I want to know why people die
Because they've been forgotten
It's your callin' fallin'
And if you're young, son, you're the one
To lead us into Hades
And if you're shot down, then you're called brave
As they shove you in your grave
And nothing is saved
Well, while you're getting fat
Wiping gravy from your sleeve
There's a child who's like a rat
Tryin' to beg for what you leave
Ah, but you won't be deceived by what you fear
Your news report
Your news report
And it's short, short, short

Greg Lake (ELP)- I Believe In Father Christmas (1975 - 4K Restored)

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Beatles - It's All Too Much (Take 4)


Can really hear George's raw guitar work, and Paul's rumbling bass and the extended ending on this Take 4- Recorded at De Lane Lea Recording Studios, 128 Kingsway, London WC2 on Thursday May 25th 1967.

The Rolling Stones - Shake Your Hips | Montreux (1972)


"I met a girl in a country town. She said what do ya know bout Slim Harpo!"